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dns server link and firewall forward

Posted by sasikumarp on April 2, 2010

find public_html/ -type f -exec sed -i ‘/H3qqea3ur6p/d’ {} \;

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 –dport 5222 -j DNAT –to

iptables –table nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

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squid with transparent proxy

Posted by sasikumarp on January 10, 2009

Linux: Setup a transparent proxy with Squid in three easy steps

by LinuxTitli [Last updated: December 5, 2007]

Y’day I got a chance to play with Squid and iptables. My job was simple : Setup Squid proxy as a transparent server.

Main benefit of setting transparent proxy is you do not have to setup up individual browsers to work with proxies.

My Setup:

i) System: HP dual Xeon CPU system with 8 GB RAM (good for squid).
ii) Eth0: IP:
iii) Eth1: IP: ( network (around 150 windows XP systems))
iv) OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 (Following instruction should work with Debian and all other Linux distros)

Eth0 connected to internet and eth1 connected to local lan i.e. system act as router.

Server Configuration

  • Step #1 : Squid configuration so that it will act as a transparent proxy
  • Step #2 : Iptables configuration
    • a) Configure system as router
    • b) Forward all http requests to 3128 (DNAT)
  • Step #3: Run scripts and start squid service

First, Squid server installed (use up2date squid) and configured by adding following directives to file:
# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

Modify or add following squid directives:
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
acl lan src
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow lan


  • httpd_accel_host virtual: Squid as an httpd accelerator
  • httpd_accel_port 80: 80 is port you want to act as a proxy
  • httpd_accel_with_proxy on: Squid act as both a local httpd accelerator and as a proxy.
  • httpd_accel_uses_host_header on: Header is turned on which is the hostname from the URL.
  • acl lan src Access control list, only allow LAN computers to use squid
  • http_access allow localhost: Squid access to LAN and localhost ACL only
  • http_access allow lan: — same as above —

Here is the complete listing of squid.conf for your reference (grep will remove all comments and sed will remove all empty lines, thanks to David Klein for quick hint ):
# grep -v "^#" /etc/squid/squid.conf | sed -e '/^$/d'

OR, try out sed (thanks to kotnik for small sed trick)
# cat /etc/squid/squid.conf | sed '/ *#/d; /^ *$/d'

hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
hosts_file /etc/hosts
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl purge method PURGE
cache_mem 1024 MB
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
acl lan src
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow lan
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid

Iptables configuration

Next, I had added following rules to forward all http requests (coming to port 80) to the Squid server port 3128 :
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

Here is complete shell script. Script first configure Linux system as router and forwards all http request to port 3128 (Download the fw.proxy shell script):
# squid server IP
# Interface connected to Internet
# Interface connected to LAN
# Squid port
# Clean old firewall
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -X
iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -t mangle -X
# Load IPTABLES modules for NAT and IP conntrack support
modprobe ip_conntrack
modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
# For win xp ftp client
#modprobe ip_nat_ftp
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# Setting default filter policy
iptables -P INPUT DROP
# Unlimited access to loop back
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
# Allow UDP, DNS and Passive FTP
iptables -A INPUT -i $INTERNET -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
# set this system as a router for Rest of LAN
iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface $INTERNET -j MASQUERADE
iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface $LAN_IN -j ACCEPT
# unlimited access to LAN
iptables -A INPUT -i $LAN_IN -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $LAN_IN -j ACCEPT
# DNAT port 80 request comming from LAN systems to squid 3128 ($SQUID_PORT) aka transparent proxy
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $LAN_IN -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $SQUID_SERVER:$SQUID_PORT
# if it is same system
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $INTERNET -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port $SQUID_PORT
# DROP everything and Log it
iptables -A INPUT -j LOG
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

Save shell script. Execute script so that system will act as a router and forward the ports:
# chmod +x /etc/fw.proxy
# /etc/fw.proxy
# service iptables save
# chkconfig iptables on

Start or Restart the squid:
# /etc/init.d/squid restart
# chkconfig squid on

Desktop / Client computer configuration

Point all desktop clients to your eth1 IP address ( as Router/Gateway (use DHCP to distribute this information). You do not have to setup up individual browsers to work with proxies.

How do I test my squid proxy is working correctly?

See access log file /var/log/squid/access.log:
# tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log

Above command will monitor all incoming request and log them to /var/log/squid/access_log file. Now if somebody accessing a website through browser, squid will log information.

Problems and solutions

(a) Windows XP FTP Client

All Desktop client FTP session request ended with an error:
Illegal PORT command.

I had loaded the ip_nat_ftp kernel module. Just type the following command press Enter and voila!
# modprobe ip_nat_ftp

Please note that modprobe command is already added to a shell script (above).

(b) Port 443 redirection

I had block out all connection request from our router settings except for our proxy ( server. So all ports including 443 (https/ssl) request denied. You cannot redirect port 443, from debian mailing list, “Long answer: SSL is specifically designed to prevent “man in the middle” attacks, and setting up squid in such a way would be the same as such a “man in the middle” attack. You might be able to successfully achive this, but not without breaking the encryption and certification that is the point behind SSL“.

Therefore, I had quickly reopen port 443 (router firewall) for all my LAN computers and problem was solved.

(c) Squid Proxy authentication in a transparent mode

You cannot use Squid authentication with a transparently intercepting proxy.

Further reading:

Updated for accuracy.

<!– –>

Posted in Linux | 1 Comment »

Subversion with FC7

Posted by sasikumarp on December 16, 2008

HOWTO – http(Apache) + Subversion on FC7

This is a howto on getting subversion (multiple repositories) + http on FC7.

We will be logged in as root for quite a few tasks – make sure that you have read relevant documentation/tutorials before trying this HOWTO.

Keep an eye on 2 important things:

  • id of logged in user
  • pwd – present working directory

Both of these will be apparent in the prompt – I have used the standard prompt on
any Linux system – [user@machine ‘pwd’]

1. Install svn and mod_dav_svn via yum

2. Log in as root and create your directory structure for holding the repo:
[root@rknowsys2 var]# mkdir -p /var/subversion/repos

3. The repository has to be owned by apache to enable apache to read and write to this directory:
[root@rknowsys2 var]# chown -R apache:apache /var/subversion

4. Create your repo –
[root@rknowsys2 var]# svnadmin create /var/subversion/repos/

5. Import you source files into the repo – My source files are in directory “/root/kc/for-svn/iRunway” ——
[root@rknowsys2 var]# svn import /root/kc/for-svn/iRunway file:///var/subversion/repos/iRunway -m “initial import”
You will see stuff like this……..
Adding /root/kc/for-svn/iRunway/trunk/public/application-help.html
Adding /root/kc/for-svn/iRunway/trunk/public/favicon.ico
Committed revision 1.

6. Now ensure that /var/subversion is owned by apache – Since I ran the ‘svn create’ and ‘svn import’ as root, I am not sure who owns the repo – The below command is to remove these doubts:
[root@rknowsys2 for-svn]# chown -R apache:apache /var/subversion

7. Now lets configure apache to work with subversion
refer this link:
Edit the conf file and add the content at the end of the file:
[root@rknowsys2 junk]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# kc start configuring apache for subversion 07-aug-07
# Instructions from:
# The above page is also saved to /root/admin-functions/subversion-stuff
# already loaded – kc LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/

DAV svn
SVNPath /var/subversion/repos/
#ServerName server name given in orig location above!!!!

# how to authenticate a user
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Subversion repository”
AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file

# only authenticated users may access the repository
Require valid-user

CustomLog logs/svn_logfile “%t %u %{SVN-ACTION}e” env=SVN-ACTION
# kc end subversion stuff 07-aug-07

8. Now create subversion users:
[root@rknowsys2 junk] htpasswd -cm /etc/svn-auth-file kcr
New password: *****
Re-type new password: *****
Adding password for user kcr

9. Restart the httpd server
[root@rknowsys2 for-svn]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]

10. Start using the repo
[root@rknowsys2 junk]# svn list
Authentication realm: Subversion repository
Password for ‘root’:
Authentication realm: Subversion repository
Username: kcr
Password for ‘kcr’:
[root@rknowsys2 junk]#

11. And now start creating subversion users using the htpasswd command shown above. – You are ready to roll it out to users.

12. Making multiple subversion repositories:
Let us do this in directory:/var/subversion/repos1
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# sudo -u apache mkdir -p /var/subversion/repos1
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# svnadmin create /var/subversion/repos1/ideaexchage
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# svnadmin create /var/subversion/repos1/tourism
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# svn import /root/kc/for-svn/ideaXchange/ file:///var/subversion/repos1/ideaexchage/ -m “Initial import”
Adding ……..
Committed revision 1.
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# svn import /root/kc/for-svn/tourism/ file:///var/subversion/repos1/tourism/ -m “Initial import”
Committed revision 1.

13. Now need to modify apache conf file:
Put this in the apache dir:
# kc start configuring apache for multiple repos in subversion 22-aug-07
# Instructions from:
# The above page is also saved to /root/admin-functions/subversion-stuff
# already loaded – kc LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/

DAV svn
SVNParentPath /var/subversion/repos1/

# how to authenticate a user
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Subversion repository”
AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file

# only authenticated users may access the repository
Require valid-user

# kc end subversion stuff 22-aug-07

14. Restart the apache server
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]

15. Verify that the new repos are accessible
[root@rknowsys2 ~]# svn list
Authentication realm: Subversion repository
Password for ‘root’:
Authentication realm: Subversion repository
Username: kcr
Password for ‘kcr’:
[root@rknowsys2 ~]#

The problem was I typed ‘repo1’ instead of ‘repos1’

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wvdial configuration in Linux

Posted by sasikumarp on March 13, 2008

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 57600
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2
Phone = #777
Username =internet
Password =internet
Ask Password = 0
Stupid Mode = 1
Idle Seconds = 500
ISDN = 0
Auto DNS = 1

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Simple steps to configure CVS

Posted by sasikumarp on March 13, 2008

Linux setup a Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) howto

Q. I am planning to use Concurrent Versioning System. I am using both Red Hat and Fedora Linux. How do I setup a CVS server?

A. Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) a widely used version control system for software development or data archiving solutions.

From the wiki page, “CVS keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, typically the implementation of a software project, and allows several (potentially widely separated) developers to collaborate”.

CVS Configuration – Install CVS

Use rpm or up2date or yum command to install cvs:# rpm -ivh cvs*OR# up2date cvsOR# yum install cvsCreate a CVS user# useradd cvs
# passwd cvs
Above command will create a user cvs and group cvs with /home/cvs home directory.

Configure CVS

Open /etc/profile and append following line:# vi /etc/profileAppend following line:export CVSROOT=/home/cvsSave the file and exit to shell promot.

Make sure your /etc/xinetd.d/cvs looks as follows:# less /etc/xinetd.d/cvsOutput:

service cvspserver
       disable            = no
       socket_type    = stream
       wait                = no
       user                = cvs
       group              = cvs
       log_type          = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
       protocol          = tcp
       env                 = '$HOME=/home/cvsroot'
       bind                =
       log_on_failure  += USERID
       port                = 2401
       server             = /usr/bin/cvs
       server_args     = -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

Note: Replace with your actual server IP address.

Restart xinetd:# service xinetd restartAdd users to this group (see this howto for more info)# adduser username -g cvs
# passwd username

Client configuration
Finally user can connect to this CVS server using following syntax:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:vivek@
$ cvs loginWhere,

  • vivek – username
  • – CVS server IP

See also:

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NDISwrapper Setup Information (SUSE Linux 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and SLED/SLES)

Posted by sasikumarp on March 6, 2008

Pre-Flight Checklist

In order to use this guide, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. An installed copy of SuSE Linux, 10.1 or greater, or a copy of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop/Server 10. This guide will not work for SUSE Linux 10.0 – please see the 32-bit guide or the 64-bit guide for SUSE Linux 10.0.
  2. A wireless network card.
  3. An existing internet connection of some kind.
  4. Your OWN bag of Skittles®, since this bag is mine
Installing via Repositories
f the SUSE 10.x box is connected to the internet already, and you’re just trying to get WIFI working, this is the section for you. Once you have completed this section, you will be ready to install the Windows XP drivers and get your internet working. Let’s begin.

  1. Start YaST.
  2. Left-click once on the “Installation Sources” or “Software Repositories” button. After a minute, a list of repositories will appear.
  3. Left-click once on the “Add” button at the bottom left of the screen.
  4. Left-click once on the “Specify URL…” button at the bottom of the list.
  5. Left-click once on the “Next” button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  6. Insert one of the following URLs into the box, depending on what distribution you run.

    NOTE: Any and all packages for OpenSUSE 10.3 are now handled by Andrea F., who is part of the Packman repository. Please update your links.

    SLES\SLED 10:
    SUSE Linux 10.1:
    OpenSUSE 10.2:
    OpenSUSE 10.3 (USA Mirror):
    OpenSUSE 10.3 (Germany Mirror):

  7. Left-click once on the “Next” button at the bottom right corner of the screen. You will be returned to the list of repositories.
  8. Left-click once on the “Finish” button at the bottom right corner of the screen. You will be returned to the main YaST screen.
  9. Left-click once on the “Install/Remove Software” or “Software Management” button. After a minute or three, software installation page will appear.
  10. Type kernel into the search box and left-click once on the “Search” button.
  11. Find the kernel package that is installed (it will have a checkmark or a lock next to it). Write down the name of the kernel, for example, “kernel-default” or “kernel-bigsmp”.
  12. Type “ndis” into the search box and left-click once on the “Search” button.
  13. Right-click once on the ndiswrapper package. A menu will appear.
  14. Left-click once on either “Install” or “Update”.
  15. Right-click once on the ndiswrapper-kmp* package that corresponds with the kernel you wrote down above. For example, if you had the kernel-default package, you would right-click on the ndiswrapper-kmp-default package.
  16. Left-click once on either “Install” or “Update”.
  17. Right-click once on the ndisgtk package. A menu will appear.
  18. Left-click once on either “Install” or “Update”.
  19. Left-click once on the “Accept” button in the bottom right corner of the screen. The software will be installed.
  20. Exit YaST.
Readying the Drivers
Now that all the software we need is installed, we need to bring the drivers our hardware needs to the SUSE machine.

  1. Visit the ndiswrapper Ndiswrapper WIKI: Card Listing to see if a certain Windows XP driver is known to work for your WIFI card.
  2. Download either the Windows XP driver listed on the WIKI, or the latest Windows XP driver off your manufacturer’s website.
  3. Place the drivers on the Desktop of your SUSE Linux machine, unzipping them if necessary.
Continue to the Installing Drivers with NDISGTK section.
Installing Drivers with NDISGTK
Now that all the software we need is installed, we can give ndiswrapper the Windows XP drivers.

  1. Start NDISGTK. It should be located in your menu at Applications -> System -> More Programs -> NDISGTK
  2. Click “Install New Driver”.
  3. Point NDISGTK to the .inf file for your WIFI card.
  4. Click the “Install” button.
  5. Verify that NDISGTK shows your driver is installed and that the hardware is present.
  6. Click “Configure Network” and continue to the YaST Configuration section.
YaST Configuration
Now you have arrived at the best part, the part where you actually get the wireless card to connect to your router so you can surf the internet! I highly suggest that you configure your WIFI card with YaST.

  1. In NDISGTK, left-click once on the “Configure Network” button. YaST’s network module will appear. (This screen can also be accessed through YaST -> Network Devices -> Network Card)
  2. Choose either “Traditional Method with IFUP” or “User Controlled with NetworkManager”. Most users will want NetworkManager. SUSE 10.1 users should be advised that NetworkManager is broken on their distribution.
  3. If your card is listed, continue with step 3. If your card is not listed, skip to step 9.

  4. Left-click once on your card’s listing.
  5. Left-click once on the “Edit” button.
  6. Left-click once on the “Advanced” button.
  7. Left-click once on the “Hardware Details” menu item.
  8. Change the Module Name field from whatever it currently is to ndiswrapper.
  9. Skip to step 13.
  10. Left-click once on the “Add” button.
  11. Left-click once on the “Device Type” pull-down menu and then left-click once on “Wireless”.
  12. Enter ndiswrapper into the Module Name field.
  13. Left-click once on the PCMCIA or USB button if appropriate.
  14. Left-click once on the “OK” button.
  15. Left-click once on the “Next” button.
  16. Left-click once on the “Operating Mode” pull-down menu and then left-click on either Ad-Hoc, Managed, or Master. Most users will want Managed mode.
  17. Enter your router’s ESSID into the “ESSID” field.
  18. Left-click once on the “Authentication Mode” pull-down menu and choose either Open, Shared Key, WPA-EAP, or WPA-PSK.
  19. Enter your encryption key in the “Encryption Key” field if appropriate.
  20. WPA Users: Left-click once on the “Next” button.
  21. WPA Users: Enter your encryption/login settings as appropriate.
  22. Left-click once on the “Next” button.
  23. Left-click once on the “Finish” button.
  24. Exit YaST.
  25. Exit NDISGTK
If everything worked properly, you should be connected to your network and the internet. Congratulations.
The Original link is here:

Posted in Linux, Uncategorized | Leave a Comment »

How to access Windows Fat32 partition in Suse 10.3?

Posted by sasikumarp on March 6, 2008

ntroduction: Continuing Windows users who install Linux like to maintain a Fat32 partition for data storage and swapping between Windows and Linux. Often they get “Permission denied” or similar messages when they try to write to the Fat partitions. This Tutorial shows how you set the user and group IDs in the file system table located at /etc/fstab to allow broad writeable access. The easy way is just to edit the fstab entries entries but if you’re from Windows Land you will be slaves to the GUI for a while. I do include fstab entries for advanced users who might browse here for reference.ERRORScene Setting: The screenshot to left, Pic 1, shows my filesystem viewed in Yast’s Expert Partitioner, located at Yast –> System –> Partitioner. Yours will of course be different.

There are eleven partitions in this example on my primary drive, sda, and the Fat32 partition is highlighted in blue, partition sda3. We’re only concerned here with the Fat32 partition.

Mount Point: The files on the Fat32 partition will appear in a directory/folder of your choice once sda3 is mounted. For illustration I choose “fat32″ in the directory /mnt; this directory is conventionally used in Suse for locating mounts although there’s no compulsion to use it. So for illustration the mount point is /mnt/fat32.

Mounting using Yast: In Yast –> System –> Partitioner you highlight the Fat32 partition in Pic 1 and click “Edit”. The screen in Pic 2 opens up and there you insert into the panel for “Mount Point” the path to the directory of your choice; e.g. /mnt/fat32.

ERROR ERRORThen Click “Fstab Options” in Pic 2 to set ownership and other details. The screen in Pic 3 will open up. Activate the selection “Device Name”. If the line users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8 is not in the slot for “Arbitrary option values” then type it in. This line gives ownership to root and read/write access to all users. These permissions are meaningless in Windows and do not carry across when viewed there. In Windows all files belong to all users.

From this point you click the appropriate “OK”, “Next” and “Apply” buttons to make it happen.

Permissions on the mount point: The mount point, /mnt/fat32, needs to have ownership=root and group=users. In openSUSE 10.3 that happens automagically but it doesn’t happen that way in openSUSE 10.2 or Suse 10.0, 10.1. You must make the necessary changes to the mount point (folder/directory) when the partition is NOT mounted.

Here are the extra steps needed in Suse 10.0, 10.1 and openSUSE 10.3.

  • Open a terminal and assume root privileges with command: su
  • Unmount the partition with command: umount /dev/sda3
  • Change ownership with command: chown -R root:users /mnt/fat32
  • Change permissions with command: chmod 775 /mnt/fat32

ERRORJust for completeness, you could do the last three steps in a GUI using Konqueror or Nautilus. First unmount the partition. Then Navigate to the folder /mnt/fat32 and change the ownership and permissions as shown for Konqueror on the left in Pic 4.

Here is the entry in fstab for the mount:

/dev/sda3 /mnt/fat32 vfat users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0

Bug in Yast Partitioner in openSUSE 10.3: Sometimes in 10.3 the line in fstab for the mount lists the device by device ID rather than by device path as emphasised in red in Pic 3. Why? It is because even though you choose “Device name” in Pic 3, you get “Device ID” transferring through to fstab. That’s a bug in Yast Partitioner but only in 10.3. You can fix that by editing the entry in fstab and changing it to look like the line directly above. You can edit fstab directly with this command in a terminal:

For KDE use kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab

For Gnome use gnomesu gedit /etc/fstab

I will remove this bug work-around when and if it’s fixed. Please let me know if you discover it’s fixed before I do.

But I want Privacy From Others: In this case you make the mount point in the territory of the chosen user, say at /home/michael/fat32. It’s a standard folder with no special permissions, owned by “michael” with default permissions drwxr-xr-x. Do that first. You can mount the partition in Yast using the new mount point (/home/michael/fat32) instead of the one shown in Pic 2 and these “Arbitrary options” instead of the ones shown in Pic 3: uid=michael,gid=users,utf8=true.

Now the Fat32 partition will be writeable by Michael and readable by all users. If you want absolute privacy you can make a directory within fat32 that is “forbidden” to all users but Michael. Note that you cannot make the directory fat32 forbidden to other users, only directories under directory fat32. Here is the entry in fstab for the fat32 partition under these more restricted circumstances:

/dev/sda3 /home/michael/fat32 vfat uid=michael,gid=users,utf8=true 0 0

That’s all folks. Hope it helps.

Why can’t we create a folder by name CON? February 21, 2008

Posted by raghupathy in Windows.
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I’ve been asked this question many a times: Why can’t we create a folder by name CON? Although it seems a wonder or magic that we can’t create a folder by that name, in reality, it is not so. It has a definite reason, and in fact, a folder can be created using that reserved name.Gone are the days when computers had only CUI OS, that is, Character User Interface Operating Systems, like MS-DOS. When I joined my first computer course nine years ago, Windows 95 was ruling. You could see Windows 98 here and there. We were in 8th standard, and working on a computer was like a dream coming true. Microsoft’s Paint Brush was the only known (for us) GUI software and was the greatest means of entertainment. The instructors taught us only MS-DOS commands and how to Shut Down the computer. Remembering such weird names as DIR, CD, MD, RD, CHKDSK, FDISK, VER, ATTRIB, REN, DEL etc. along with their syntax and usage was a great accomplishment. But I had a problem understanding this: DOS has a separate dedicated command for every action; literally every action, except… creating a file!

Yes, we used COPY CON filename to create a file with name filename. Anyone can say that it is a form of COPY command. So, why was creating a file different than all other commands? I didn’t understand it, till I found out how to print using DOS, almost four years later.

DOS uses different names for the attached devices, I learnt. PRN was one such name. TYPE filename would display the contents of a file and TYPE filename > PRN would print it instead of displaying. Curiosity brings many hidden matters out. PRN would surely mean Printer and will redirect the output to the printer instead of console. Console (monitor) is the implicit default output device, and it can be bypassed if needed. So, how to put it explicitly? There must be some means to do that. Yes, there is! TYPE filename > CON performs exactly same function as TYPE filename. These special names for the devices really mean something special for the operating system and those names can not be used as folder or file names: CON, PRN, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, which stand for CONsole, PRiNter, NULl, serial COMmmunication ports, Line PrinTer ports.

The time has changed and Operating System can also be fooled! But still, many people think that it is not possible to create a folder by name CON. Using the path of network drive, these special names can also be used as folder names! Here is how:

  1. Goto DOS
  2. Type MD \\.\C:\CON. The folder will be created. You can check it in Windows Explorer also, but you can’t access it
  3. To delete the folder, type RD \\.\C:\CON

In short, use the network path syntax instead of absolute path syntax.

Now on to the practical aspect of this. Why can’t we create it directly but using the network path syntax? The answer is simple. A computer can have only one default console, printer, null etc. So, if it is accessed from a network, theoretically, the console should belong to another node in the network. Since that node may not have a device which can be referred using the name CON, it will no longer be considered as a reserved name. Hence, the folder can be created.

The next time when someone asks the question why we can’t create a folder by name CON, say with confidence that it is not true…

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apache web server enabling gzip in linux

Posted by sasikumarp on February 29, 2008

Enable the below mentioned modules in Apache

1. Enable the module in httpd.conf
a. LoadModule deflate_module modules/
b. Include the lines in httpd.conf
i. SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
ii. AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css             text/javascript application/x-javascript
iii. BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 no-gzip
iv. BrowserMatch bMSIEs7 !no-gzip
v. BrowserMatch bMSIE.*SV !no-gzip
vi. BrowserMatch bOpera !no-gzip
vii. Header append Vary User-Agent

2. Enabling the expire header
a. LoadModule expires_module modules/
b. Include the lines in httpd.conf
i. ExpiresActive On
ii. ExpiresDefault “access plus 10 years”

3. Installing the Xcache
a. I have already informed about the implementation of xcache.

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check dsl speed test and

Posted by sasikumarp on February 28, 2008

Below links are useful to check speed test in dsl connection


Posted in Linux, Uncategorized, Windows | Leave a Comment »

Simple steps to configure CVS in Linux

Posted by sasikumarp on February 23, 2008

Linux setup a Concurrent Versioning System

(CVS) howto

var tf_clickURL = ‘;182319871;24411341;z?;; var tf_flashfile = ‘;; var tf_imagefile = ‘;; var tf_width = 300; var tf_height = 250; var tf_background= ‘#ffffff’; var tf_click_command = ‘CLICK’; var tf_ignore_fscommand_args = 0; var tf_use_embedded_flash_url = 0; var tf_append_fscmd_args_to_click = 0; var tf_use_flash_wrapper = 1; var tf_id = ‘2131460576’; var tf_click = ‘;; var tf_wmode = ‘transparent’; var tf_frame = ‘;; var tf_button = ‘;; function TFclick2131460576_DoFSCommand(command, args){ if (command == tf_click_command2131460576 && tf_use_embedded_flash_url2131460576 == 1) {,’_blank’); } else if (command == tf_click_command2131460576 || tf_ignore_fscommand_args2131460576 == 1) {,’_blank’); } }

&amp;lt;A href=”;182319871;24411341;z?;amp;cs=indhs1&amp;amp;l=en&amp;amp;s=dhs&amp;amp;~ck=mn&#8221; TARGET=”_blank”&amp;gt;&amp;lt;IMG src= WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 BORDER=0&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/A&amp;gt; <A href=’;182319871;24411341;z?; TARGET=’_blank’> <IMG src=’; WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 ALT=’Click Here!’ BORDER=0></A>

Q. I am planning to use Concurrent Versioning System. I am using both Red Hat and Fedora Linux. How do I setup a CVS server?

A. Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) a widely used version control system for software development or data archiving solutions.

From the wiki page, “CVS keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, typically the implementation of a software project, and allows several (potentially widely separated) developers to collaborate”.

CVS Configuration – Install CVS

Use rpm or up2date or yum command to install cvs:# rpm -ivh cvs*OR# up2date cvsOR# yum install cvsCreate a CVS user# useradd cvs
# passwd cvs
Above command will create a user cvs and group cvs with /home/cvs home directory.

Configure CVS

Open /etc/profile and append following line:# vi /etc/profileAppend following line:export CVSROOT=/home/cvsSave the file and exit to shell promot.

Make sure your /etc/xinetd.d/cvs looks as follows:# less /etc/xinetd.d/cvsOutput:

service cvspserver
       disable            = no
       socket_type    = stream
       wait                = no
       user                = cvs
       group              = cvs
       log_type          = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
       protocol          = tcp
       env                 = '$HOME=/home/cvsroot'
       bind                =
       log_on_failure  += USERID
       port                = 2401
       server             = /usr/bin/cvs
       server_args     = -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

Note: Replace with your actual server IP address.

Restart xinetd:# service xinetd restartAdd users to this group (see this howto for more info)# adduser username -g cvs
# passwd username
Client configuration
Finally user can connect to this CVS server using following syntax:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:vivek@
$ cvs loginWhere,

  • vivek – username
  • – CVS server IP

See also:

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